
  • Change negative behaviors such as smoking, bedwetting and overeating
  • Reduce fear, stress, anxiety and phoebes
  • Control and eliminate physical pain during dentistry and surgical procedures
  • Relieve symptoms associated with IBS and CFS including other digestive disorders’ lower blood pressure
  • Control physical responses such as vomiting, nausea, body temperature and blushing, reduce the intensity and frequency of headaches (migraines) and asthma.

Each client will receive a recording of their session on a CD. This is to be listened to daily, to reinforce positive results and create permanent changes. Please feel free to email Dianne anytime directly to ask any questions or to book an appointment!

Are you tired of trying to lose weight?

Even though you know the good foods to eat, the daily activities to trim your body, you cannot keep the weight off. Sound familiar? NOW:

  • lose your appetite for fattening and fast, greasy foods
  • eliminate chocolate and sugar cravings
  • feel full and satisfied with less food
  • develop an appetite for healthy, nutritious food
  • create a ‘lifestyle menu’ that works – for you
  • increase your desire for water
  • become motivated to exercise

Hypnotherapy and individualized nutritional support will help you to shift your thinking so that you make better food choices, create positive changes and make it happen for life.

Stop Smoking For Good

Smoking is a habit. Nicotine is a toxin. Hypnosis helps you to develop habit controls to break your smoking routines without gaining weight or feeling overwhelming stresses. By eliminating the smoking habit it begins to rewrite your image of yourself …. as a non-smoker, free of the thought, want or need for a cigarette. In its place, positive, beneficial and lifetime behaviors are developed.


I am an experienced professional and can help alleviate alcohol abuse for people, ceasing or controlling. I recognize that each person’s habit, motivation, lifestyle and challenges are unique and therefore a free, no obligation evaluation is recommended. I will review your situation and your needs then recommend the appropriate number or sessions you will need to make your change.

Many factors contribute to our anxious and panicked feelings which makes it harder for our body to function efficiently. The coping mechanisms break down and the body and mind wear out completely. Hypnotherapy helps to flick the ‘fear and panic’ switches off. Some people have switches that are stuck on. This can be changed with hypnosis. The negative self-talk needs to be changed at the subconscious level to transform it to the positive response.


I am an experienced professional and can help alleviate Anxiety in your life, permanently.


I am an experienced professional and can help you reduce the stress in your life, enabling you to handle stress in a positive/calm manner.

Insomnia: Will I ever get to sleep?

What is a safer, first approach treatment for a good night’s sleep? HYPNOSIS. Hypnosis has proven an effective means of allowing the subconscious mind to relax so that even in the initial session it has been effective in restoring the sleep cycle. A clinical study was conducted of 27 adult patients with sleep terror disorders.

Hypnosis has proven an effective means of allowing the subconscious mind to relax so that even in the initial session it has been effective in restoring the sleep cycle. A clinical study was conducted of 27 adult patients with sleep terror disorders. Seventy-four percent reported much or very much improvement with the use and practice of self-hypnosis.

Many times sleep disorders are accompanied with other physical ailments such as depression, diabetes, over-stressed lifestyle, poor health and little or no activity. In most situations, the hypnotherapist will coach the client to assist with the accompanying issues (within their capacity) to develop better (stress) management tools to reduce the external challenge and coach the client for greater sleep and health motivation.

Hypnosis can make an enormous difference in someone’s quality of life and health simply by helping them to sleep better.


Troublesome education tasks such as exams, boring repetitive tasks, concentration and study skills are greatly facilitated when the learner knows how to effectively self-hypnotize. Very often people are in a light trance state when they are listening to instruction and reading materials or

involved in pleasurable activities. Hypnosis removes the blocks and distractions from the person’s mind and give the person the ability to concentrate more intently while relaxing more automatically. As a result, the information will be permanently anchored in the mind so that when the right stimulation is presented the information is provided with absolute recall.


Let me help you have control over your anger, permanently.


I am an experienced professional and can help you gain Confidence and increase your self-esteem. This is a valuable and permanent change for people that know their confidence level is holding them back in life.


Being motivated is all about knowing what you want and believing in your ability to achieve it. It is very difficult to have motivation without purpose – that just tends to become hyperactivity or restlessness. Goal setting can be an important part of building motivation and energy but sometimes the first thing you need to do is to start to believe in yourself.

Hypnotherapy can help you to start to develop an inner energy and self-belief. It can also help you to understand and highlight your goals according to your own individual strengths.


I can help alleviate the problem with Stuttering, permanently.

Public Speaking

I can help alleviate the fear of Public Speaking, permanently.

See yourself feeling calm, relaxed and confident when called upon to speak. The words flowing easily from you. You feel comfortable and sure of yourself.

I am afraid that I will forget the one who passed

Probably one of the most devastating emotional problems we can and generally will face is the loss of someone that we love dearly. This might be a family member, a pet, or just a person whose life struck us with force and inspiration. The loss of such a person or thing can leave us emotionally devastated and uncontrollably sad. We sometimes feel like we can’t go on without them or be able to see our lives continuing without their presence and influence. The questions, the guilt, the resentment and a host of other questions arise for which we have few answers to why the event of death happened in the first place. There are few other events in our lives that affect us so totally. Logically, we understand that with enough time we will get through the ordeal and continue to live our lives as usual. However, the subconscious mind is totally irrational. It cannot imagine the future. It feels the sad feeling of loss. With hypnotherapy, the subconscious mind will develop the ability to feel the present and anticipate the healing process.


I can help you with the process of Grieving.

Golf – The Mind Game

As with all sports, golf is a game of both body and mind. Hypnosis can provide you that permanent level of mental maintenance by creating awareness and stability both mentally and physically, so you can be prepared for anything. Using Hypnosis you can precondition your mind and body to be aware of any form of trigger that impacts your golf game. You will not only become aware of these triggers but hypnosis will teach you what to do with them so you can play a healthy, consistent game of golf and always give yourself a chance to reach a new personal best. Schedule your free evaluation to have all your questions answered.

Hair Pulling

I can help alleviate Hair Pulling. This is a common habit with young teens as well as adults. Hypnosis is extremely successful in creating permanent results in this area.

Sports Enhancement

Hypnosis can help enhance your focus and motivation related to improving your Sports performance.

Healthy Mind and Body

How we communicate with others and our own internal dialogue can help heal the body through the power of positive thinking. Hypnosis helps to create a healthy mind and body.